What is ed-Tech ?
An ethical practice for facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. to simplify it more it is just the use of technology in various forms such as products, apps, tools, to enhance learning, pedagogy and instruction.
How Ed-Tech enriches the way of teaching:
ED-tech refers to software which is designed to enhance teacher-led learning in classrooms and improve student’s education outcomes. Ed-Tech is a portmanteau of “education” and “technology.” However, ED-Tech can be a controversial topic As a large portion of the education system is unionized, there are concerns that Ed-Tech is an attempt to phase out certain in class duties as a way of reducing costs. With time constraints, it is difficult for a teacher to teach according to curriculum, catch up lower level learners, and still keep the top of the class engaged in their work. By automating the assessment of ability and adjustment of difficulty, Ed-Tech can potentially lead to better outcomes for individual students and the class as a whole.
Ed-Tech Fears:
In practice, Ed-Tech is still in the early stages of development for even basic subjects like math or reading and composition skills. There are a variety of design challenges for Ed-Tech. The biggest hurdle is adjusting for different learning styles in the classroom. Currently Ed-Tech is usually delivered through a laptop or tablet, resulting in a read and respond learning experience. Critics have noted that this style can leave other types of learners — auditory and kinesthetic for example — at a disadvantage. As with any new field of technological development, Ed-Tech will improve the more it is used and the more feedback is collected.
However, Ed-Tech faces additional social hurdles. Students, and even more so the parents, look to a teacher to create a social environment that enables group learning and other dynamics that aren’t currently within the scope of Ed-Tech. Rhea Kelly (executive editor for campus technology) , suggests reading Ed-tech blogs in today’s politically charged climate , which will definitely help the teachers to know more about Ed-tech and help them further.
The Must read Ed-Tech Blogs:
As suggested by Rhea Kelly here are some of the must read Ed-Tech blogs :
Digital Bodies
Co-founded by Maya Georgieva, ed tech strategist and former associate director of the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning at NYU’s Stern School of Business, and Emory Craig, director of e-learning at The College of New Rochelle, Digital Bodies focuses on virtual, augmented and mixed reality, wearables and other innovative technologies and their impact on media and education. In particular, the duo follows the cutting-edge devices and tech that seem like science fiction today, but may soon become part of everyday life in and out of the classroom. Recent topics include, VR headset hacks mind-controlled VR and Magic Leap.
Prof. Hacker:
On The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Prof. Hacker blog, a cadre of higher education faculty members and Ed tech professionals offer tips and commentary on technology, education and university life. It’s an interesting window on the faculty perspective — and freely available outside of the Chronicle’s usual subscription wall. Recent topics include digital annotation, time management, note-taking and e-mail apps.
Bryan Alexander
Consultant and futurist Bryan Alexander’s nominative blog explores all the ways technology is transforming education, from politics to infrastructure to pedagogy. He has a knack for dissecting current trends and understanding their potential impact on the future. Recent topics include digital literacy, the high cost of college, virtual reality and the Trump presidency.
e-Literate :
Co-authored by consultants Michael Feldstein and Phil Hill, e-Literate covers a variety of education technology trends, with a leaning toward market analysis. In particular, it’s a great place to gain a better understanding of the evolving LMS landscape. Other recent topics include personalized learning, higher education policy and data privacy issues.
Hack Education
Audrey Watters calls herself “an education writer, an independent scholar, a serial dropout, a rabble-rouser, and ed-tech’s Cassandra” — descriptors that offer a peek into what her Hack Education blog is like. In addition to long-form essays, talks and research projects, Hack Education features a weekly roundup of ed tech news, categorized by topic and presented with smart, often acerbic commentary. Recent topics include education politics, ethics in the ed tech business, data analytics and open education.
Joanna Young’s JCYCIO:
From the IT perspective, executive digital advisor Joanna Young’s JCYCIO blog covers topics such as leadership, digital transformation, tech purchasing and IT management. Young formerly held CIO positions at Michigan State University and the University of New Hampshire, and she is a prolific communicator on social media.
Ed-tech and its consequences
Despite the buzz over ed-tech’s abundant entrepreneurial opportunities, something else remains at the heart of the equation: the students themselves. In what specific ways can we expect to see ed-tech play out in the lives of its direct beneficiaries? Here’s a closer look:
Engagement and communication will improve.
Smart learning software will offer lesson plans customized to each student’s specific needs. More engaging materials, meanwhile, promise to further improve outcomes. Says Hot Topics, “Indeed, user experience and engagement is fast becoming the main differentiator among the ever-growing field of education technology options. The integration of multi-media, gamification, mobile casual and informal learning apps and peer-to-peer learning platforms are all making content increasingly immersive designed to not only attract students but also keep them engaged – all the way to the end.”
Progress will be more measurable.
A large part of supporting the growth of smart learning software? Big data and analytics techniques, which give teachers access to more specific and extensive insights into the achievements and progress of individual students. Not only can this help bridge any knowledge gaps, but this information can continue to be called upon throughout an individual’s academic and professional life.Ed-tech is also being heralded for its potential to standardize — and ultimately democratize — the field of education. Reveals Hot Topics, “Now, a rundown, inner-city school can receive the same standard and level of content as a well-funded one in a wealthy area. And this is true not just on a school by school or country by country basis, but globally; offering developing nations access to developed educational institutions, both in an academic and professional learning setting.
“Lifelong learning” will take on all new meaning.
One education market particularly ripe for edtech disruption? Adult learning. According to the Educause Review, “Despite its ‘basic’ image, adult education possesses the right set of circumstances to realize the promise of modern education and to illustrate the classic theory of disruptive innovation, where some are willing and able to use alternative pathways to forge more efficient and effective solutions to education. These approaches include both curricular and technology innovations. “Thus to conclude ,as TechCrunch predicts , “Ed-tech is poised to be the biggest and possibly most profitable digitalized sector yet.” However, making the most of these learning technologies will rely on a few key factors, according to higher education higher-ups, as reported by the New York Times: keeping how students learn at the center of the process; addressing the challenges to adoption; and ongoing assessments of what’s working, what’s not, and for whom.
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