Last 5 years have brought in a significant change in our life and that is primarily dependent on an electronic device called Smartphone. This has made our lives much easier by bringing in technology at our doorstep. Only by a few clicks on mobile, we can go on a shopping spree, book tables in restaurants and movie tickets; hire a cab, book tickets for buses, trains, and flights. 2022, is expected to bring in lightning changes in the digital industry via incorporation of latest techniques in Smart phones. Let’s take a brief journey.
Faster Mobile Development
There is a fierce competition among mobile app development companies to launch their products in the market before any other company takes up a leading role. For this, one should hire proficient developers and sole aim of them should be to develop an app as efficiently as is possible within smallest possible time. Reduce the time gap between forming the idea and launching the product.
Don’t get alarmed so soon. You are not alone in this journey. In fact, many companies have developed app development tools and frameworks to create apps faster and launch them quickly. Some examples are Gesture Search, Multicore JIT, and SwipePad etc.
Influence Of Cloud Technology
What is the trendiest thing in app development industry is integration and synchronization of apps in multiple devices? Herein cloud technology plays very important role. Using its functionalities, a developer can launch apps on multiple devices along with similar features.
Many companies are working with platforms that are cloud-based facilitating app development. Complete toolchains are offered to developers for building, integration, testing and launching apps. These way apps are quickly developed without any thorough knowledge of the subject.
App Security
Now, this a major issue as a threat of hacking looms large for app users and a survey made by Gartner estimates that about 75% of them would fail to pass even the basic ones. This is not unknown to hackers too and, condition remains so they will go on exploiting it and snatch out sensitive data from your device.
Security issues like unintentional data leakage, insecure data storage, and broken cryptography should be seriously dealt with this year.
Beacon Internet And Location-Based Services
Be in advertising or retail industry Beacon technology has significantly blurred the difference between being Online and Offline. Already iOS environment has adopted it and soon it is expected to be integrated with Android ecosystem too. Most of the business enterprises are reaping huge benefits from this technology.
One of the grandest examples is beacon fitted with large buildings to help in with its internal mapping. During an emergency situation, the first responder would easily find out its place of origin. The list of latest known locations can be received via Beacons along with Temperature Sensors. Both of them help in to locate dangerous zones during emergencies.
Wearable Tech
After hugely successful Apple Watches wearable tech is the next most important thing in the world of consumer electronics. Though most of them had been primarily focusing fitness and health, 2022 is expected to expand it to the enterprise world. This would improve productivity and efficiency of this industry. Take for example one industry that is taking up wearable tech very seriously is the world of textile and fashion.
You should stress upon developing cross-device apps, which could be operated on both the wearable device as well as the Smartphone. Unlimited scopes for new apps would break the limitations posed by health and fitness industries.
2022 will see a far outreaching change in the world of mobile apps. Thus, a quality mobile app development course would significantly raise the chances of a bright professional career for a student or a professional.
Also Read,
- Enroll In Mobile App Courses & Explore Splendid Career Prospects
- Why Enroll In Android App Development Course For A Secured Future?
- Stepping Into The Shoes Of A Mobile App Developer
- Android Development Made Easier in 5 Ways
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